Thursday 15 September 2011


We've just returned from a lovely couple of nights in Cornwall. Despite living in Devon for 6 years I'd yet to venture into Cornwall. It was well worth the wait and we'll definitely be going back soon.

I loved all the unprounouncable placenames and also the pub names: the Weary Friar, the Springer Spaniel, the Who'd Have Thought It Inn and the Swingle Tree Inn being just a few in the area where we were staying.

We visited the Tamar Otter and Wildlife Centre, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Cabilla Woods Nature Reserve, Tintagel and Polperro, all of which were fantastic and will probably get blogs of their own when I've sorted through the 900 photos I took.

For now here's a photo of Harriet - a European otter


  1. Well, you've certainly got a good European Otter photo now! She's lovely.

  2. Harriet = Ruler. Looks quite docile. But looks can deceive.
