Thursday, 13 October 2011

Princess Sophie

Today we brought home our second foster cat from the local Cats Protection Centre. 15 year-old Sophie is a grey and white and had rather a reputation for grumpiness at the Centre. Certainly our first encounter at the Centre was a little trying with her scratching both Ian and I despite our trying not to upset her. The vet there even called us saints for taking her!

Although it's only been a few hours she seems like a different animal now that we've brought her home. She's both friendly and responsive. Her initial shyness wore off after only an hour and she's spent the afternoon begging for meals and treats. She loves human company, but also seems to be completely comfortable being left alone to amuse herself.

Welcome Sophie.


  1. What a lucky cat. It is obviously discerning and knows a good home when it arrives in one!

  2. Welcome kitty! Lucky Princess!
    Good luck, Carol

  3. You and Ian are saints but it looks like you've got your reward on earth rather than having to wait. Lucky Sophie, lucky you.

    I thought photography might be a challenge with a grey and whote but you've already got a super one of her sitting down.

  4. Thanks everyone.

    Photography is indeed difficult. Of the 30 or so photos I took yesterday only the 4 taken in the sunshine really worked. If it's dark she looks like a grey blur without the flash on.

  5. Nice to meet you Princess Sophie and sorry to hear about Polly/Pockets. Have fun together!
